
Email Campaigns

(Automation, Newsletters, Feedback & Survey)


(Infographics, Logo)

Website development

(WIX Studio, Shopify, SquareSpace)

Social Media

(Posts, Stories, Videos )

Email campaign: Adora Clothing, Dropshipping Biz, Click the image to view the campaign

Branding : HK Pharma & Cosmetics ;HK Glowup Products

Branding : Svelte Belle LLC, Texas

Social Media Story: Spelling Bee of Canada

Branding, Infographic: Furniture Bank

Website Development ; Wix: Vladmir Nikolic. Now retired, famous Serbia Furniture Designer and arts collector

Website Development ; Wix: Adora Clothing. Dropshipping business

Website Development ; Shopify: Space & Beauty, Academic Project

Branding, Infographic: Infinity Security Services

Vladmir Nikolic, Now retired, famous Furniture Designer and antiques collector

Website Dev; Shopify: HK Pharma & Cosmetics PVT Ltd. HK Glow

Etsy Store: Shortcake Says, Personal brand Digital Products, Educational Resources